GigaComm Blog

Australia's Business Internet: What's beyond nbn?

Written by GigaComm | Nov 30, 2023

In today's rapidly-evolving digital landscape, a robust and reliable internet connection isn't a luxury – it's a business necessity. As companies across Australia seek the most efficient and trustworthy internet solutions, a recurring question emerges: Is there a better alternative to the nbn?  

Enter GigaComm, the gold standard nbn alternative for business internet in Australia. 

Why consider an alternative to the nbn? 

For businesses, uninterrupted internet access is crucial for maintaining productivity, facilitating communication, and ensuring access to cloud services and online markets. Issues like peak-time congestion and constraints from outdated infrastructure can impede seamless operations. 

One of the potential issues with nbn is peak-time congestion. During high-usage periods, typically in the evenings, users can experience significant slowdowns.[1] This can be particularly problematic for businesses that rely on continuous, high-speed internet access for operations, leading to reduced productivity and potential revenue loss.

nbn's use of mixed technologies, including older copper wiring in parts of the network, leads to variability in service quality. Fibre to the Node (FTTN) technology shows less consistent download performance compared to other nbn technologies, potentially impacting businesses needing stable and fast internet connections. [2]

Another difficulty businesses may experience is customer service, including long wait times for issue resolution and a lack of personalised support. For businesses, where time is money, these delays can be costly.

Changing the name doesn't change the game 

Many businesses, frustrated with their internet service, may often transition between providers hoping for better results. However, they soon realise that simply changing provider names doesn't necessarily change the technology or service quality.

Most internet service providers in Australia are resellers of nbn services. This means that even if you switch providers, you're often still using the same underlying nbn infrastructure. The result is that the same problems – like speed limitations and service interruptions – persist, regardless of the provider.

This leads to recurring issues and persistent dissatisfaction.  

The GigaComm difference: a leap forward for business Internet in Australia 

  1. Genuine Technological Shift: GigaComm isn't just another provider using the same nbn technology. We've built an agile, independent network tailored for today's businesses, offering a genuine alternative.
  2. Cutting-Edge Tech: GigaComm employs the latest networking innovations. This guarantees businesses access to speed, reliability, and a premium internet experience.
  3. Consistent Connectivity: Bid farewell to the frustrations of peak-hour sluggishness. Our unique network design ensures consistent high-speed connectivity regardless of the time of day.
  4. Swift Integration: Recognising the importance of speed in business, we pledge to connect and operationalise your access to Australia's top-tier business internet efficiently. Our focus is on ensuring a rapid and seamless integration, allowing you to leverage the best in internet technology for your business needs.

For companies determined to stay ahead, opting for GigaComm as their nbn alternative is more than a choice—it's a strategic pivot. Beyond our commitments to speed and reliability, we deliver a forward-thinking solution tailored to the ever-evolving digital business demands. 

Are you prepared to embark on the future of business internet in Australia?  

Don't let legacy infrastructure be your limiting factor. Switch to GigaComm and elevate your business into the next digital chapter.